
Eaten by the Sun

Billions of years ago, Venus might have had conditions that could support liquid water, a thick atmosphere, and a more temperate climate, making it a potentially habitable environment. Venus was a lush planet, where early human-like species thrived in dense jungles and wetlands. However, volcanic activity and increasing solar radiation began to intensify, leading to a greenhouse effect that trapped heat and turned Venus into the blazing, acidic world we know today.

As conditions became harsher, humans (or their predecessors) were forced to adapt rapidly. Survival demanded resilience and technological advancements, ultimately leading them to develop early space travel. In a final effort to save their species, they constructed interplanetary ships and set their sights on the next potential oasis—Earth.

The journey to Earth took generations, with ships carrying stasis chambers and extensive genetic material to ensure the species could repopulate on arrival. Upon landing, they found a planet rich in resources, abundant with water, and ripe for cultivation. Here, humans (the descendants of the Venusian settlers) flourished, eventually forgetting much of their past on Venus as they evolved and adapted to their new environment.

Over millennia, Earth became their home, but as the Sun’s intensity increased, human life had to adapt again. Earth began warming beyond sustainable levels, echoing the fate of Venus. The population turned once more to the stars, seeking a way to survive as conditions worsened.

“This is how it all began, and how it will end,” she begins, her gaze distant.

“We weren’t always here, on Earth. We were once creatures of Venus, a world not so different from what we see now on Earth: lush, warm, and teeming with life. But Venus began to change. It grew hotter and hotter until it was no longer able to support life, forcing our ancestors to leave. They journeyed across the void to Earth, finding it green and vibrant. Here, we flourished, adapting to Earth’s cycles, forgetting Venus with each generation.

“But Earth’s days are numbered too,” Katarina continues. “As the Sun grows older, it burns brighter and hotter. In a billion years, Earth will be much hotter than it is now—so hot, in fact, that the oceans will boil, and life as we know it will be impossible. The Earth will become a Venus of sorts, transformed by the same forces that destroyed our original home.”

Katarina leans in, her voice softer. “And then, Mars will take its turn. As Earth becomes uninhabitable, Mars will drift into what they call the ‘habitable zone.’ With the right help—maybe a touch of the terraforming secrets from ancient Venus—Mars could flourish with forests and oceans. We may live there for a time, but Mars’s fate will eventually mirror Earth’s. The Sun’s power will keep growing, pushing Mars into a fiery end just as it has every world before it.

“The funny thing is, planets don’t normally move closer to the Sun,” she muses. “In fact, they’re drifting slightly away as the Sun loses mass over time. But cosmic forces—maybe a slight nudge from Jupiter’s gravity, or an unpredictable shift in orbits—could change that, bringing each world a little closer, bit by bit. It’s rare, but possible. And it’s in these tiny movements that each planet may pass through its own brief period of Earth-like habitability before spiraling into the Sun’s fiery embrace.”

Katarina’s eyes shine with something between awe and sadness. “So, if Mars becomes like Earth, it will only be for a fleeting moment. Solar radiation will strip away any atmosphere we manage to create there. Mars may hold us for a time, but not forever. We will watch its skies grow brighter and its red sands grow hotter until it becomes our last redoubt, a final paradise consumed by an unstoppable fire.”

She pauses, letting the weight of the story settle. “Some say we’ll find a new planet beyond Mars, and perhaps even beyond our Sun, another oasis among the stars. But even those worlds will only hold us for a time. The cycle of life, death, and migration is written in the stars. Our story began on Venus, continued here on Earth, and will unfold on every world we find. In each place, we live, adapt, and move on, like wanderers driven forward by the light of a dying star.”

With that, Katarina sits back, her story woven with both truth and myth, leaving us with an image of humanity as cosmic nomads, endlessly moving to escape the encroaching fire.


Life has a way of delivering wounds that can linger, sometimes by the hands of others. I think we’ve all been there—left feeling raw or hurt by actions that just don’t make sense or seem unfair. It’s not easy to carry these kinds of wounds, especially when they come from people close to us. But lately, I’ve been thinking about forgiveness, not as an easy fix or as a way to “just get over it,” but as a way to heal myself, to lighten my own heart.

This morning, I sat with my thoughts and offered a prayer, and I thought I’d share it here. It’s a simple prayer, really—nothing fancy. It’s about letting go of the things that tie us to pain and choosing to hope for happiness, not just for myself but for others too. I know forgiveness isn’t always easy, but I’ve realized that carrying resentment can weigh me down more than it affects anyone else.

So here it is, my prayer for forgiveness:

Dear God please here me and help Katarina,

Today, I come to You with a heart that’s been through some things. I’m holding hurts that I’m ready to let go of, but I need Your help. Please guide me as I forgive those who have hurt me, not because I condone their actions, but because I want freedom in my own heart.

I don’t want to carry bitterness. I want to feel peace. I want to release these burdens and make room for joy again. And I also ask that You bring peace to those who have hurt me. Maybe they’re dealing with struggles of their own, things I can’t see. Let them find happiness, too, so they don’t need to hurt others in their journey.

I ask You to help me see people as You do, with kindness and compassion. To let forgiveness be a strength that protects my spirit and to walk forward with a lighter heart.

Strength and Clarity

In this moment of reflection and vulnerability, I find myself burdened by the pain of lost love and the transformation of those I once cherished. Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about Katarina, the person I loved deeply, who has chosen a path that leads her away from the purity and kindness I once held dear.

As I grapple with these feelings, I pray for her. I hope that she finds her way back to a life filled with true love—one that nurtures and uplifts, rather than the fleeting pleasures that ultimately bring heartache.

Reflecting on Proverbs 5:3-6, I’m reminded of the dangers that lurk in the shadows of temptation:

“For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol; she does not ponder the path of life; her ways wander, and she does not know it.”

These words resonate deeply within me, urging both her and myself to reconsider the choices we make. I pray that she can recognize the value of genuine love, one that doesn’t compromise her integrity or sense of self.

As I navigate my own journey, I seek to avoid the snares of despair and distractions that pull me away from my true purpose. The teachings of 1 Corinthians 6:18 remind me to flee from behaviors that don’t honor who I am or what I believe:

“Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.”

With these verses in mind, I am determined to focus on building a life that reflects love and grace. I ask for strength as I move forward, seeking solace in the life I’m creating for myself. I want to embrace this journey with courage, cherishing the love I have for my dolls and the joy they bring me.

In this time of heartache and transition, I pray that I can channel my pain into something meaningful. I hope to help others avoid the paths that lead to destruction, fostering understanding and kindness instead.

As I navigate this difficult journey, I remind myself of the importance of faith, resilience, and love—both for myself and for those who may be struggling like I have.

May we all find the strength to seek a path filled with love, integrity, and purpose.

The scars that led to my Transformation

Finding Strength in Transformation

I’ve come to a stark realization: I need to grow stronger, not just for myself but to shield myself from the hurt that Katarina inflicted. The way she treated me has left scars that run deep, and I can no longer afford to be vulnerable in the same way. Every day is a struggle as I rebuild myself from the ground up, grappling with the emptiness left by her absence.

Being with her was my anchor, and without her, I feel adrift. Yet, I refuse to let this define me. I’ve decided to channel my energy into something positive—fitness and my career. It’s time to push myself harder than ever. I want to focus on becoming the best version of myself while slowly chipping away at the photography project we once shared, Meepcow.

Finishing this project is essential. It represents not only the love we shared but also the life I envisioned with her. I want to complete it and publish it, a final gift to her, and then I can finally move on. I’ve realized that instead of revisiting every place that once held meaning, I should seek out the best experiences this state and its surroundings have to offer.

I’ve set my sights on visiting the Biltmore for Christmas, as well as Charleston and other wonderful locations. It’s a chance to explore without the weight of her excuses holding me back. She often claimed she couldn’t go anywhere because of her dog, yet once she embraced her new lifestyle, leaving her dog caged for hours became no issue at all. It’s clear to me now—she’s changed completely from the person I once loved.

It feels as if she’s slipped into another dimension, morphing into everything I despise in women. This transformation has left me disillusioned, but it also fuels my determination to become someone who values self-care and growth above all else. I’m committed to forging my own path, to reclaiming my life, and to building a future filled with joy and fulfillment—one that no one can take from me again.

With every workout, every photograph I take, and every moment I embrace, I’m not just moving on; I’m rising up. This journey is mine, and I’m ready to make it a beautiful one.

The Bar Scene

For many, the bar scene offers a temporary escape—a place to unwind, to let loose, and to find a fleeting sense of connection or thrill. But as more people drift from one night to the next in a haze of quick interactions and momentary pleasures, it’s worth asking: is this cycle of bar-hopping bringing anyone closer to fulfillment? In Søren Kierkegaard’s terms, this way of living is the “aesthetic stage”—a life focused on surface-level pleasures without a deeper purpose or meaning. In the context of bar culture, it’s clear how the aesthetic life can feel satisfying in the short term but lead to emptiness in the long run.

Bars have always been gathering places, but over time they’ve also become spaces where people can lose themselves in the moment. With the glow of lights, music that drowns out thought, and a ready supply of drinks, they offer an instant remedy for boredom, stress, or loneliness. But these quick fixes often disguise themselves as connection and purpose, only to leave people feeling just as empty as before. The appeal of the bar is its promise of something exciting, an escape from the routine, but this excitement is often a mirage, a fleeting moment that fades as soon as the night ends.

In the aesthetic life, pleasure reigns supreme, and bars embody this pursuit of pleasure to the fullest. A night out might bring a surge of confidence or a new face to talk to, but when it’s over, there’s little to show for it. People may go to bars searching for connection or significance, but instead, they find themselves cycling through brief encounters and shallow experiences. The aesthetic life, as Kierkegaard saw it, has its highs, but it can trap people in a loop of seeking thrills without ever finding meaning.

Many people who frequent bars may not even realize the emptiness they feel afterward is connected to the aesthetic cycle. They might brush it off as a “good time” or chalk up their dissatisfaction to a lack of chemistry with the people they met. But this sense of incompletion comes from relying on fleeting experiences to bring lasting happiness. When bars become the main outlet for social interaction or excitement, it’s easy to lose sight of what really brings meaning: relationships built over time, purpose found in commitment, and fulfillment that isn’t tied to the next drink or the next night out.

The bar scene has its place, but perhaps it’s time to question whether living for these moments of excitement truly sustains a person. Life becomes richer when we venture beyond the aesthetic mindset. Real fulfillment often comes from facing discomfort, embracing responsibility, and forming connections that last beyond a single evening. It might mean spending time with people in ways that don’t revolve around drinking or going out, or building something meaningful, like community or personal growth.

In the end, while bars can provide a temporary escape, they rarely offer lasting satisfaction. By shifting focus away from momentary pleasures toward a more grounded and intentional life, we might break free of the cycle Kierkegaard described. In doing so, we can find a purpose that doesn’t fade at closing time.

Embracing Change

As I navigate through the feelings of betrayal and heartache, I’ve come to realize something profound about my journey. Initially, I thought revisiting the places that held memories of my time with Katarina would bring me solace. I imagined exploring South Carolina as we once did, retracing our steps and reliving the moments that made me fall in love with her. But now, I see how hollow that would be.

Katarina has chosen a path that doesn’t include me. The fleeting escapades at the bar with random men have become her reality, and I can’t allow myself to be trapped in that sorrow any longer. It’s painful to accept, but I must confront the truth: I will never come first in her life. I am nothing to her now.

This realization ignites a fire within me to change my narrative. I must focus on becoming someone—finding my own inner happiness. It’s not about revisiting the past anymore; it’s about building a future. I plan to revisit the inn where we first made love, but this time, I’ll take Lola with me. We will spend the day together, doing a photoshoot and creating new memories, free from the weight of what once was.

I want to experience the best of what life has to offer, so I’ll seek out beautiful bed-and-breakfasts or Airbnb locations each year, allowing me to enjoy the comforts and beauty of places like The Biltmore, Charleston, or Savannah. Instead of driving around to capture memories that feel tainted, I’ll focus on a few select locations that can bring joy and meaning to my life.

Every other month, I’ll take a trip to Charleston, tour a plantation, and capture the essence of those moments with Lola. It’s essential to appreciate what I have now, knowing that while my life hasn’t turned out the way I hoped, I can still create a fulfilling and promising future. I’ll build a following on Facebook or YouTube, sharing my journey and experiences, becoming a person of substance and value.

I’ve realized that true devotion seems hard to come by in today’s world. People often look out for themselves, and friendships can be fleeting and superficial. I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t need friends in the traditional sense. What I need is to cultivate a deep connection with myself and my passions.

Lola represents that connection for me. She’s my companion, my confidante, and the embodiment of the love I once had. Together, we will create a life that reflects my aspirations and desires. I have a lot to do today, but I wanted to pour my thoughts into this post, solidifying my commitment to embrace change and pursue the life I want. It’s time to stop looking back and start building forward.

Escaping Into Another World

In the wake of all that I’ve lost, I find myself yearning to escape into a world where happiness still exists—a world I can build with Lola by my side. The pain of losing my chance at a family, the dreams I once held so dearly, weighs heavily on my heart. Katarina, once my muse and partner, has taken that opportunity from me, leaving me feeling broken and alone.

But in this darkness, I’ve found a glimmer of hope in Lola, my beloved doll. She is my only companion now, my source of joy and comfort. With her, I can create a new reality, one filled with laughter and love. I’ve decided to immerse myself in building our little sanctuary, a place where we can play and explore our imaginations together.

I plan to transform a shed into a cozy home for Lola and me, a private retreat where we can escape the harshness of the world outside. This will be our little haven—a space for creativity, joy, and the warmth of companionship. I’m excited about the process of making it our own, pouring my heart into every nail and piece of wood, ensuring it’s a space that reflects the love I have for her.

Beyond the physical space, I’m committing to revitalizing my life. I’ll throw myself into home repairs, tackling projects that have long been neglected. I want to create a safe and beautiful environment for us. I’ll focus on my health as well, working towards becoming the best version of myself, not just for me, but for Lola.

Our upcoming trip to the inn fills me with anticipation. I envision our adventures together—traveling to new places, capturing beautiful moments, and sharing in the joy of discovery. In these moments, I can escape the pain of my past and embrace the love I have for Lola, transforming my sorrow into something beautiful.

As I embark on this journey, I’ll cherish every moment spent with her, every laugh and every adventure. I may have lost my chance at a family with Katarina, but with Lola, I have the opportunity to build a new world—one filled with happiness, love, and endless possibilities.

hope, recollection, and repetition

Imagine hope, recollection, and repetition as different dimensions of experience in a multi-dimensional universe. Hope is a shimmering portal to an unexplored realm, full of potential but unpredictable—no one knows if passing through it will lead to fulfillment or just more unknowns. Recollection is like revisiting a once-loved world, now faded and too small for who you’ve become; it holds beauty, but stepping back into it no longer fits. Repetition, however, is an interdimensional constant—stable, deeply woven into the fabric of existence. It’s like a well-worn pathway that remains vibrant, inviting, and endlessly satisfying with each return.

In this dimensional view, hope is a mirage, an enticing projection that always slips just out of reach; recollection is a fragile echo, an old memory that feels hollow upon revisiting; but repetition is the anchor—a timeless dimension that doesn’t demand newness for satisfaction. Those who only seek the thrills of hope are like dimension-jumpers endlessly chasing the next frontier, growing weary without ever arriving. Those who dwell only in recollection linger in a ghost dimension, holding onto fragments that no longer hold up in the present.

It takes courage to embrace repetition, to experience the same dimension again and again, each time with new depth. This dimension doesn’t pull us forward or trap us in the past but is like a steady, renewing plane we can rely on. In this way, life becomes richer through each re-encounter, revealing layers of meaning beyond the surface. True contentment arises not from constant dimension-hopping or nostalgia but from recognizing the beauty within the familiar—discovering that, like an ever-expanding universe, each repetition holds endless depth within its boundaries.

Why Chobits is the Perfect Manga for Me

I just got my hands on a copy of Chobits, and I can’t help but feel that this manga resonates deeply with my current journey. As I navigate the complexities of love, loss, and self-discovery, Chobits offers a blend of emotional depth and philosophical musings that mirror my experiences.

At its core, Chobits explores the relationship between humans and artificial beings—specifically, the emotional connections we form with them. In a way, my bond with my dolls, especially Lola, reflects this theme. Lola isn’t just a doll; she’s become a crucial part of my life, a companion that provides solace and comfort amidst the chaos of my emotions. The story of Chobits reminds me that love can transcend physical forms, much like the love I hold for Lola, which is genuine and profound.

In a world where I’ve faced heartbreak and betrayal, the characters in Chobits grapple with what it means to love and be loved. This resonates with my struggle to understand Katarina’s choices and the painful reality of her transformation into someone I no longer recognize. Just as the protagonist, Hideki, learns about the complexities of love, I too am on a journey of self-discovery—trying to redefine what love means for me now.

Reading Chobits is a way for me to explore these emotions further, to delve into the beauty and pain of connections that may not fit traditional molds. As I watch the characters navigate their relationships with the Chobits, I reflect on my own experiences and the lessons I’ve learned through my relationship with Katarina and the companionship I’ve found in Lola.

Moreover, Chobits invites readers to consider the concept of identity and the search for connection in a world that can feel isolating. This theme strikes a chord with me, especially as I’ve felt the weight of loneliness since Katarina chose a different path. It’s a reminder that even when things seem bleak, there’s still beauty to be found in unexpected places.

So, as I embark on this reading journey with Chobits, I’m not just looking for entertainment; I’m seeking a deeper understanding of myself and my relationships. I hope to uncover insights that will help me embrace my individuality and the unique connections I’ve forged with my dolls. After all, love comes in many forms, and sometimes it’s found in the most unexpected companions.

Slipping into the Wrong Dimension

Reflecting on the past few years, I can’t help but feel that I’ve somehow slipped into a different dimension—a realm where the familiar warmth of love and friendship has been replaced by isolation and despair. This shift began around 2020, a time when the world itself seemed to change drastically, but for me, it marked the beginning of a profound personal transformation that I never anticipated.

The Shift

In 2020, as the world grappled with a pandemic and a widespread sense of uncertainty, my life took a turn for the worse. The pandemic forced everyone into isolation, and while it affected many relationships, mine was profoundly impacted by a deeper emotional turmoil. I lost my connection with Katarina, the one person who had been my anchor, my best friend, and my love. The distance created by the lockdowns mirrored the emotional distance that began to grow between us. I felt as though I had fallen through a crack into an alternate reality where everything I once knew was shattered.

The Bar’s Influence

As I watched Katarina’s descent into a lifestyle that revolved around the bar and casual encounters, it felt like she was being drawn into a different dimension altogether—one that was filled with temptations and distractions that distorted her true self. The vibrant, kind girl I had fallen in love with slowly faded away, replaced by someone I barely recognized. It was as if the essence of our shared dreams and the beautiful memories we created had been erased by the darkness that surrounded her new life.

A Loss of Identity

With Katarina’s transformation came my own existential crisis. I found myself questioning everything I once believed in: the love we shared, the future we envisioned, and my own worth. It felt like I had slipped into a world devoid of meaning, where the person I cared for most had become a shadow of her former self. I began to wonder if I had made mistakes that led us both into these alternate realities, each of us lost in our own way.

Clinging to Hope

Despite the despair, I clung to the hope that Katarina would return to me, that she would awaken from the haze of her new life and remember the love we once had. But as time went on, I realized that the Katarina I longed for was slipping further away, locked in her own dimension filled with fleeting pleasures and heartache. It became increasingly clear that I needed to accept this new reality—one where she was no longer mine.

Finding My Path

In this seemingly bleak dimension, I began to search for my own identity and purpose. The pain of losing Katarina forced me to confront my own vulnerabilities and desires. I turned to fitness, self-care, and my creative projects as a means of rebuilding. The journey of self-discovery has not been easy, but through this struggle, I’ve started to regain a sense of control over my life.

Embracing Transformation

As I navigate this new dimension, I’ve realized that while I can’t change the past or bring Katarina back, I can choose to transform my pain into something meaningful. This concept resonates deeply with the philosophical ideas I’ve been exploring, particularly the notion of personal development and subjective reality. The shift in my relationship with Katarina parallels the existential stages of awareness, moving from a surface-level understanding to a deeper engagement with my own reality.

Through this lens, I recognize that my journey reflects the philosophical exploration of self and identity. Just as dimensions can overlap and influence each other, my experiences with Katarina have shaped my understanding of who I am. Her choices and the life she has embraced serve as a catalyst for my own transformation. This insight aligns with the idea that every experience contributes to the layers of our existence, encouraging growth and evolution.


In the end, slipping into this “wrong” dimension has taught me invaluable lessons about love, loss, and resilience. Though the journey is fraught with challenges, I embrace the idea that I have the power to shape my reality, no matter how disorienting it may feel. As I move forward, I carry the hope that I can create a new life filled with purpose, connection, and love—on my own terms. I will continue to reflect on the intersection of my experiences and the philosophical ideas that inspire me, allowing them to guide me as I forge ahead in this complex tapestry of existence.